Delineation of Constituencies for the 2007 District Council Election

    The Chief Executive-in-Council has accepted all the final recommendations of the independent Electoral Affairs Commission regarding the delineation of constituencies for the District Council election in 2007.

     A government spokesman said today (December 20) that the decision of the Chief Executive-in-Council would be effected by way of the Declaration of Constituencies (District Councils) Order 2006, which will be published in the Gazette on December 22 and tabled in the Legislative Council on January 10, 2007.

     The report of the commission, submitted to the Chief Executive on November 21, was tabled in the Legislative Council today for public information as required by law.

     The spokesman said that the commission had conducted public consultation on its provisional recommendations from July 27 to August 25.

     "The commission had carefully considered all public representations before making its final recommendations for submission to the Chief Executive," he said.

     "It had endeavoured to strike a proper and fair balance between the expressed wishes of the public on the one hand, and the population quota and other statutory criteria on the other."

     There will be 405 constituencies for the District Council election. One District Council member will be elected for each constituency.

     "The making of the Order is an important step in the preparation for the next District Council election in November, 2007. In the year ahead, the Government and the commission will put in place all necessary arrangements to facilitate the conduct of the election and to make it a success," the spokesman said.

Ends/Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:27