LC: CS's Speech to present the Government Minute in response to "The Eighteenth Annual Report of The Ombudsman"

    Following is the translation of a speech by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Rafael Hui, at the Legislative Council Meeting today (December 20) to present the Government Minute in response to "The Eighteenth Annual Report of The Ombudsman" :

Madam President,

     The Eighteenth Annual Report of The Ombudsman was tabled in this Council on 5 July 2006.  In accordance with our established practice, the Administration will prepare a Government Minute in response to the recommendations of The Ombudsman for those cases set out in the Annual Report, so that The Ombudsman and the public may monitor the progress made by the Administration and the public bodies in implementing these recommendations.  I now present the Minute.  

     The Government Minute covers all investigated cases arising from which The Ombudsman had made recommendations and four direct investigations referred to in the Eighteenth Annual Report of The Ombudsman.  For all but one case, bureaux and departments have fully accepted and started to implement the recommendations from The Ombudsman.  For the remaining case, the Lands Department has explained to The Ombudsman why it has difficulty in accepting in full her recommendation that District Lands Officers should act on behalf of the Government whenever problems emerge on unleased Government Land and the site falls outside the purviews of other Government departments.  Nevertheless, the Lands Department has accepted The Ombudsman's recommendation for it to adopt a more proactive and flexible approach towards the handling of problems found on unleased Government Land.  District Lands Officers have been reminded of the hub-management concept and the need for maintaining a flexible and positive approach in handling enquiries.

     Overall, there has been an impressive record of compliance with The Ombudsman's recommendations.  This serves to confirm the credibility of The Office of the Ombudsman as well as the readiness of the Administration to accept constructive criticisms and suggestions, as well as to embrace changes.  

     Thank you, Madam President.

Ends/Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:25