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LCQ18: Incidents of objects being thrown from a height in public rental housing estates

    Following is a question by the Hon Lau Kong-wah and a written reply by the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands, Mr Michael Suen, in the Legislative Council today (December 20):


     Regarding incidents of objects being thrown from a height in public rental housing ("PRH") estates, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the number of relevant reports received by the authorities concerned and the number of persons convicted of throwing objects from a height in the past two years, with a breakdown by housing estates;

(b) of the PRH estates installed with Falling Object Monitoring Systems ("FOMSs") at present, and whether some FOMSs are not activated for long periods; if so, of the reasons for that;

(c) whether it has reviewed the effectiveness of the FOMSs; and

(d) whether it will consider installing FOMSs in all PRH estates in Hong Kong; if so, of the timetable for installation?


Madam President,

     My reply to the four-part question is as follows:

(a) According to the statistics of the "Marking Scheme for Estate Management Enforcement in Public Housing Estates" (the Marking Scheme), there were 67 points-allotted cases of throwing of objects from heights between January 1, 2004 and December 7, 2006 (details at the Annex).  During the past two years and the first six months of this year, there were 208 convicted cases of conviction under Section 4B of the Summary Offences Ordinance (Chapter 228) (Objects dropped from buildings) in Hong Kong, but the Administration does not have a breakdown of the number of convicted cases involving objects being thrown from heights in public housing estates.

(b) Since 1998, the Housing Department (HD) has procured 108 sets of Falling Objects Monitoring CCTV Systems operated on videotapes.  These systems have been used in 107 housing estates (particularly at black spots of falling objects from heights) on a rotational basis.  To enhance flexibility and clarity in monitoring and videotaping the throwing of objects from heights in housing estates, and to assist in adducing evidence, the HD has acquired four sets of mobile Digital Falling Object CCTV Monitoring Systems for rotational use in different housing estates since 2004.  These systems will monitor changes on the television screen.  If an object is detected falling from a height, the system will immediately send a message to the estate management officers for enforcement under the Marking Scheme or prosecution by the Police.

(c) The overall situation concerning throwing of objects from heights in public housing estates has improved since the installation of Falling Objects Monitoring CCTV Systems by the HD.  It is evident that the systems and HD's publicity work have achieved a deterring effect.  The HD will continue to review the effectiveness of the monitoring systems from time to time.

(d) As mentioned above, the mobile Digital Falling Object CCTV Monitoring Systems are available for use in different public estates on a rotational basis. This, coupled with the HD's publicity work, has proved to be an effective deterrent.  The HD has no plan at present to install permanent Falling Objects Monitoring CCTV Systems in all public housing estates.  Nevertheless, the HD is planning to procure another six sets of mobile Digital CCTV Systems to step up the monitoring of throwing objects from heights and will review the need for additional facilities from time to time.

Cases of Penalty Points Being Allotted for
Throwing Objects From Height in Public
Housing Estates
(1.1.2004 - 7.12.2006)

Estate                   Number of Cases

Chak On Estate                1
Cheung Hong Estate            2
Choi Wan (1) Estate           2
Chuk Yuen South Estate        1
Fu Tai Estate                 1
Grandeur Terrace              5
Hoi Fu Court                  3
Kwai Fong Estate              1
Kwai Shing West Estate        1
Kwong Fuk Estate              2
Lei Muk Shue (2) Estate       1
Lei Yue Mun Estate            1
Lek Yuen Estate               2
Lok Wah North Estate          1
Lok Wah South Estate          6
Lower Wong Tai Sin (2) Estate 1
Ma Tau Wai Estate             1
Mei Lam Estate                1
Nam Shan Estate               1
Oi Tung Estate                1
Sha Kok Estate                1
Shan King Estate              1
Shek Kep Mei Estate           1
Shek Wai Kok Estate           1
Shun On Estate                1
Siu Sai Wan Estate            1
Tai Wo Hau Estate             1
Tai Yuen Estate               1
Tin Chak Estate               2
Tin Heng Estate               6
Tin Shui (1) Estate           2
Tin Yat Estaste               6
Tin Yiu (2) Estate            1
Tin Yuet Estate               1
Wah Fu (2) Estate             1
Wah Sum Estate                1
Wu King Estate                1
Yau Oi Estate                 2
Yue Wan Estate                1

Totalē­                     67

Ends/Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:20