7th meeting of JWG on Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection held in Hong Kong (with photo)

The Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Working Group (JWG) on Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection held its seventh meeting in Hong Kong today (December 18). During the meeting, the two sides examined the implementation of environmental co-operation initiatives as well as the work plan for 2007.

Major Achievements in 2006

The two sides said that the seven special panels set up under the JWG had made good progress in the past year.  

The two sides had proactively implemented the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Regional Air Quality Management Plan.  The enhanced control measures under the Management Plan were implemented well on schedule, to control pollution emissions of power plants, motor vehicles, industrial processes, and products containing volatile organic compounds.

The first half-yearly report of the monitoring results of the PRD Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network was released in October this year. A mid-term review of the Management Plan began in November to assess the effectiveness of various emission reduction measures as well as the emission trends in the region, and to formulate appropriate strategies and further enhanced control measures.  

The Implementation Framework of the Emission Trading Pilot Scheme for Thermal Power Plants in the PRD Region was endorsed today. It would be announced as soon as the relevant procedures had been completed.

The two sides also agreed to include additional enhanced measures under the Management Plan, to further strengthen the efforts under the plan.  

The two sides furthered co-operation and exchanges on the survey of forestry pests, protection of endangered species of animals and urban greening.  Experts at the Forestry Administration of Guangdong Province had completed the survey of forestry pests in Hong Kong woodland, and started to compile the data and prepare the final report.

The two sides shared their experiences in aspects such as the provision and management of artificial reefs, marine and fisheries natural protection areas; as well as research and protection of coral reefs and Chinese White Dolphins.  They had jointly conducted research on satellite tracking of green turtles, conducted joint operation against illegal fishing activities, and effectively set up a notification system on red tide incidents.

Experts of the two sides had tested and verified a water quality model of the Pearl River Estuary region. Model development work was largely completed. The project entered the expert review stage.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong were working on the Deep Bay (Shenzhen Bay) Water Pollution Control Joint Implementation Programme.  Pollution control measures and remediation works for Shenzhen River and the Deep Bay catchment were being implemented.  In Hong Kong, the Government had begun the upgrading of Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works.  The two sides also reviewed the implementation programme.

The two sides fully supported the 䩕One Factory ﷿ One Year ﷿ One Environmental Project蒅 launched by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, and participated in the judging panel of the Green Awards this year.

Key Points of 2007 Work Plan

In 2007, the JWG will continue to enhance co-operation between Guangdong and Hong Kong on environmental protection.  Major tasks include:

- The two sides will continue to make their best efforts to implement the various control measures under the Management Plan in order to address the common concerns of both Governments on regional air pollution. They include proactively improving energy structure; speeding up the installation of flue gas desulphurisation systems to oil-fired and coal-fired power plants; further tightening emissions from motor vehicles; jointly analysing the data collected by the Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network; releasing the 2006 regional air quality monitoring report in April, 2007, to provide the public with more information on the air quality in the PRD; completing the mid-term review of the Management Plan according to schedule, and striving to meet the 2010 emissions reduction targets agreed by both sides; and setting up the Hong Kong-Guangdong Emission Trading Management Team as soon as possible to promote the Emission Trading Pilot Scheme for Thermal Power Plants in the PRD Region for participation by power plants in the region on a voluntary basis. Utilising the flexibility of emissions trading, agreements meeting the interest of various parties could be drawn up to reduce emissions of air pollutants in the region.

- Upon the completion of the expert review for the water quality model of the Pearl River Estuary region, the two sides will discuss work on a joint study for the protection of water quality of the Pearl River Estuary.  Besides, the two sides in the coming year will propose additional measures and further joint efforts to control water pollution in Shenzhen Bay (Deep Bay).

- The two sides will continue to monitor the progress of various measures to prevent water pollution and to maintain close liaison to safeguard the quality of Dongjiang water.  

- The two sides will proactively promote energy efficiency and cleaner production to enterprises in both places, including  the Cleaner Production Technical Support Pilot Project initiated by EPD. Through real case examples and technology demonstration, the pilot project aims to encourage PRD manufacturers to adopt cleaner production practices.

- Good progress has been achieved on the survey of forestry pests in Hong Kong woodland which is expected to be completed by April, 2007. The results will help promote effective control of forestry pests in both places.  The two sides will implement a series of technical exchanges and training on afforestation and conservation of marine resources in 2007.

Ends/Monday, December 18, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:15