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Care for the elderly

    The Housing Department (HD) calls for its public housing tenants to render assistance to elderly neighbours whenever required as the weather is getting cold with Christmas and New Year round the corner.

     Mr Lee Cert-quinn, Assistant Director of Housing (Estate Management) also urged the elderly tenants, especially those living alone to make an application for installing the Emergency Alarm System, also called Safety Bell, in their public rental housing (PRH) units.

     "Both the HD and Social Welfare Department provide subsidies to qualified people who are aged 65 or above for an installation. They can approach the estate office for assistance if they have any problem," said Mr. Lee.

     The HD has granted about 4,000 elderly households the subsidies amounted to $2,500 per unit for an installation since the scheme was launched in 1996.

     In the event of an emergency, the user only needs to press the button on the portable device connecting to a 24-hour operating control centre. The signal transmitted will then alert the agent on duty to offer help as appropriate.

     "We have instructed the estate management staff to pay more attention to the elderly households as the old and fragile are prone to be affected by cold weather. It will definitely be helpful if other PRH tenants can be more ready to give their neighbours a helping hand," said Mr. Lee.

     "At the same time, we are working closely with voluntary agencies to provide the needy with services, such as distributing winter clothing and food. For the Housing for Senior Citizens tenants, they have been well attended to by wardens stationing in-house round the clock," he added.

     To prevent crime in the forthcoming festive season, the HD has already instructed estate management offices to stay vigilant and implement security measures in PRH estates in full force.

     "We have also reminded security guards to stay alert to visitors, exercise more rigorous checks on locks and alarm systems and repair the damaged ones without delay," said Mr. Lee.

     He also appealed to PRH tenants for their support to fight crime by reporting any suspecting crime to security guards or the Police.

Ends/Saturday, December 16, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:00