Public consultation on amending Preservatives in Food Regulations

    The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) today (December 14) started public consultation on proposed amendments to the Preservatives in Food Regulations.

     "To tie in with the latest developments in food science and technology and to keep abreast of international standards, the Government considers that there is a need to review and update the Regulations," a spokesman for the CFS said.

     Representatives of the food trade were briefed on the proposed amendments by the CFS at a regular Trade Consultation Forum meeting today.

     The proposed amendments include:

* amending the definitions of preservatives and antioxidants to make them in line with the corresponding definitions contained in the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex) document;

* combining the lists of preservatives and antioxidants under the Regulations as some additives may have both preservative and antioxidant functions;

* incorporating those preservatives and antioxidants, as well as their permitted levels of use, in the Codex General Standard on Food Additives (GSFA) into the Regulations; and

* developing a food category system for Hong Kong based on the food classes in the GSFA. This amendment reflects the international trend of moving away from "product-specific" legislation to horizontal provisions aimed at all food types.

     "Amending the Regulations will not only provide the trade with clearer information in the use of preservatives and antioxidants, but also enable the Government to use internationally recognised risk assessment and management standards to continue to protect public health and enhance consumer confidence in food safety," the spokesman said.

     The consultation document has been uploaded onto the CFS website (

     "Two public consultation forums will be held for members of the trade and interested parties to express their views," he said.

     Members of the public may call 2381 6096 during office hours for seat reservations. Details of the forums are as follows:

Date: January 23, 2007
Time: 2.30pm to 4.30pm
Venue: Lecture Hall, 1/F, Hong Kong Science Museum, 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Date: February 7, 2007
Time: 10 am to 12 noon
Venue: Lecture Theatre, G/F, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

     Comments in writing should be submitted to the Risk Assessment Section of the CFS by mail (43/F, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong), fax (852-2893 3547) or email ( by February 28, 2007.

Ends/Thursday, December 14, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:33