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TAC discusses proposed measures to enhance road safety

    Members of the Transport Advisory Committee (TAC) today (December 12) discussed proposed measures to further combat drink driving and enhance road safety.

     "We welcome the proposals to disqualify drink driving offenders from driving for not less than three months on first conviction and to require them to attend driving improvement courses.  These will send a clear message to motorists that drink driving is not tolerated in Hong Kong. As there is a stringent prescribed limit on the amount of alcohol on the driver's body in Hong Kong, we think that the proposed disqualification period is reasonable," the TAC Chairman, Ms Teresa Cheng said.  

     Members also noted the proposal to empower the Police to conduct random roadside screening breath tests.  

     "Random breath tests would have a very strong deterrent effect. However, we consider it important to put in place administrative procedures and guidelines to reduce the possible conflicts between the Police and the public, and to minimise the impact on traffic flow," Ms Cheng said.

     Members were also consulted on the proposal to require repeat traffic offenders accumulating 10 driving-offence points and offenders of serious traffic offences to attend driving improvement courses on a mandatory basis. Members welcomed the proposals, because apart from punitive measures, these courses can help instil in drivers the importance of good driving behaviour. The proposal for not re-issuing the suspended driving licences to offenders who fail to attend driving improvement courses will have a strong deterrent effect against non-compliance.

     TAC also supported the proposal to raise the maximum imprisonment term of the offence of causing death by dangerous driving from five years to 10 years.  

     "Drivers committing all moving traffic offences and causing death of another person can be charged with the offence. The proposal can help further strengthen the deterrent effect and reduce fatal traffic accidents," Ms Cheng said.

     At the meeting, members were also briefed on the latest situation regarding the demand for, and supply of, parking spaces for different vehicle types in the territory. They noted that the Administration had been taking measures to address the problem caused by an imbalance in the demand and supply of parking spaces.

Ends/Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:39