Working Group on Monitoring Wage Payment to Workers Sets to secure workers' payment (with photo)

    The joint working group (WG) for securing wage payment to workers established by the Housing Authority (HA) has come into operation and mapped out its work plan.

     "The working group will monitor contractors closely to ensure that the workers secure their wage payment probably and timely. We also hope that the building quality and ethical standard of the industry could be enhanced through this initiative," said the Deputy Director of Housing (Development & Construction), Ms Ada Fung, who is also Chairperson of the WG, said today (December 9).

     "Our foremost task will be promoting awareness of the HA's improvement measures for securing workers' wage payment among our stakeholders in the industry, especially sub-contractors and workers.

     "We hope to convey the message that the measures are actually protecting workers against wage arrears, as well as protecting contractors and subcontractors from being adversely affected by the problem,"she added.

     Ms Fung expressed that wage arrears were also attributed to inadequacies of the sub-contracting system in the local construction industry.

     "Implementing the Subcontractors and Workers Registration Scheme in full scale so as to enhance transparency of the whole industry will be the long-term and fundamental solution," she said.

     The WG comprises both workers and employers across the spectrum of the industry. (Please see attachment for details)

     The WG members will conduct site visits and meet at least once every six months to review the effectiveness of the measures. Further studies and improvement proposals will be made whenever appropriate.

     The improvement measures covering all HA building and demolition contracts are:-

a) Site Access Control and Workers' Attendance Records;
b) Workers' Employment Agreement and Records;
c) Wage Payment Monitoring System and Records;
d) Sub-contractor Management Plan;
e) Provision of Labour Relations Officer on site;
f) Employer's Direct Payment to Workers in proven cases of Default.

     The HA has already adopted the Performance Assessment Scoring System (PASS) to assessing contractors' performance in the Building Contracts and the associated Building Service Nominated Sub-contracts. To further monitor contractors' performance in wage payment, the HA will be introducing relevant assessment items into the PASS in due course.

Ends/Saturday, December 9, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:29