Harvest Carnival at Kowloon Park Piazza

    The Leisure and Cultural Services Department will promote its Community Garden Programme with a Harvest Carnival tomorrow (December 9) from 11am to 5pm, and on Sunday (December 10) from 10am to 5pm at the Kowloon Park Piazza where people can share the fun and the harvests of city gardeners. Admission is free.

     Programmes of the Harvest Carnival are suitable for people of all ages. They include display of the 18 LCSD community gardens, display of produce, plant-care workshop, horticulture demonstration, herb garden and green stalls.

     Winners of the community garden competition will also be announced in the carnival at 11am tomorrow (December 9).

     Participating organisations in the carnival are Produce Green Foundation, Hong Kong Organic Agriculture & Ecological Research Association, New Life Farm, The Warehouse Teenage Club, The Federation of Vegetable Marketing Co-operative Societies Ltd, and Yan Oi Tong Madam Lau Wong Fat Primary School.

     The Community Garden Programme encourages people to participate in greening activities at community level and to take part in greening activities as part of daily life through which they can increase their awareness of greening and environmental protection.

     Since its launch in early 2004, 18 community gardens have been established throughout the territory and more than 10,000 city dwellers have shared the fun of being a city gardener.

     The programme provides a four-month gardening course for 30 to 50 participants each round, through which they can learn how to grow plants, including fruit and vegetables under expert guidance. Each successful applicant will be allocated a plot of 2.25 square metres on which to practise gardening and then take home the harvest.

     For enquiries, please call 2601 8963.

Ends/Friday, December 8, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:13