CE visits Planning Department

    The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, today (December 6) visited the Planning Department to better understand the department's work in land use planning and urban design.

     The Chief Executive was briefed on the department's planning and its management issues. The Director of Planning, Mrs Ava Ng Tse Yuk-ying, updated Mr Tsang on Hong Kong's long-term planning and the progress of planning studies relating to the co-operation between the territory and the Pearl River Delta, as well as the application of information technology in planning.

     Mr Tsang was also briefed on the ongoing area improvement studies and those that had recently been completed. He was pleased to note that the area improvement projects had been well received by the community.

     "The work of town planning is very important to the quality of the environment of local areas," Mr Tsang said.

     "Through good planning, the territory's development can be made sustainable and the environment more pleasant, as a world-class city should."

     The Chief Executive visited the department's Information System and Land Supply Section. Section staff explained to Mr Tsang how the department applied geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing in land use mapping, and making use of the GIS, Computer-Aided-Design and multi-media technologies to develop three-dimensional (3D) models. These advanced technologies helped the department in its urban design work and made it easier to explain the planning concepts and proposals to the public.

     After viewing a demonstration on the 3D GIS and multi-media technologies, the Chief Executive said he was pleased that the Planning Department staff had made good use of the advanced technologies and achieved such satisfactory results in various aspects of their work.

     He added that since the 3D images and animation techniques had transformed two-dimensional plans and abstract concepts into images, the public could now understand more easily the planning concepts and the effects of the proposals when they provided their comments.

     The Chief Executive was then briefed on the planning of the new Central harbourfront area and the Wan Chai Development Phase II.  

     After viewing the physical models of the two projects, Mr Tsang said, "The design of these areas will realise the public visions of the future harbourfront. I expect that our harbourfront will turn into a vibrant, attractive and enjoyable public venue."

     The Chief Executive also expressed appreciation to the Planning Department for reflecting the unique characteristics of Kai Tak in its planning. The planning and urban design framework for Kai Tak were well received by members of the public. Mr Tsang believed that the area would become a new urban node blending in well with the green, sports and tourism themes.

     Before ending his visit, the Chief Executive met the department's frontline staff, praising them for their dedication, professionalism and devotion in providing planning information and services to the public.                      

Ends/Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:46