Appointment to Steering Committee on Study of Family Commission

    The Government today (December 4) announced the appointment of 23 members to the Steering Committee on Study of Family Commission with effect from December 2006.

     Chaired by the Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food (Health and Welfare), Ms Sandra Lee, the Steering Committee includes 10 ex-officio members and 12 non-official members.

     Ex-officio members come from relevant policy bureaux and departments, as well as chairpersons of five advisory bodies - Social Welfare Advisory Committee, Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education, Commission on Youth, Elderly Commission, and Women's Commission.  The non-official members include community personalities from a wide range of backgrounds and interests, including social services, education, human resource management and business sectors and the academia.

     The Steering Committee is tasked to study whether a Family Commission should be set up, and if so, the re-organisation and resource re-allocation that need to follow.  The report on the study is expected to be finished by mid-2007.

     The Chief Executive announced in his 2006-07 Policy Address that the Administration would seriously study whether an integrated, holistic and high-level Family Commission should be established to study and address problems from a cross-policy perspective with a view to achieving more effective co-ordination of policies and initiatives relating to family support. To take the study forward, the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food has set up a Steering Committee to advise on the Study.

     The following is the membership list of the Steering Committee on Study of Family Commission:

Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food (Health and Welfare)

Official Members
Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs or representative
Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower or representative
Permanent Secretary for Economic Development and Labour (Labour) or representative
Director of Social Welfare or representative
Member, Central Policy Unit, Prof Lee Ming-kwan, PhD, JP

Chairpersons of Advisory Bodies
Chairman of Commission on Youth, Dr Philemon Choi Yuen-wan, SBS, JP
Chairperson of Women﷿s Commission, Ms Sophia Kao Ching-chi, JP
Chairman of Elderly Commission, Dr Leong Che-hung, GBS, JP
Chairman of Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education, Dr Pang King-chee
Chairman of Social Welfare Advisory Committee, Mr Wilfred Wong Ying-wai, JP

Non-official Members
Dr Chan Yuk-chung
Dr Lily Chiang
Ms Virginia Choi
Prof Nelson Chow, SBS, JP
Ms Esther Chyu
Ms Angie Lai
Mr Christopher Law
Prof. Daniel Shek, BBS, JP
Ms Theresa Tao
Prof Wong Po-choi, MH
Mr Wilson Wu
Ms Constance Yue

Ends/Monday, December 4, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:32