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Results of the 2005 Annual Survey of Industrial Production

    According to the results of the 2005 Annual Survey of Industrial Production released today (November 30) by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD), the gross output of the manufacturing sector amounted to $163.2 billion in 2005, increased by 3.5% from a year earlier.

     The gross surplus of the manufacturing sector increased by 6.9% over a year earlier to $20.0 billion in 2005.

     The value added of the manufacturing sector, which is a measure of its contribution to Hong Kong's Gross Domestic Product, amounted to $47.3 billion in 2005, or an increase of 1.3% from a year earlier.

     Within the manufacturing sector, the five largest broad industry groups in terms of value added in 2005 were (1) paper products, printing and publishing industry; (2) basic metals, fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment industry; (3) food, beverages and tobacco industry; (4) textiles (including knitting) industry; and (5) wearing apparel, except knitwear and footwear industry.  They together accounted for 77.9% of the total value added of the whole sector.

     Comparing 2005 with a year earlier, increases in value added of various magnitudes were observed in five broad industry groups, namely the chemical, rubber, plastic and non-metallic mineral products industry (18.8%); electrical and electronic products industry (9.7%); paper products, printing and publishing industry (6.3%); wearing apparel, except knitwear and footwear industry (5.0%); and basic metals, fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment industry (0.7%).

     On the other hand, value added in the textiles (including knitting) industry decreased by 17.7%; food, beverages and tobacco industry by 4.0%; and other miscellaneous manufacturing industries by 2.2%.

     The attached table shows the principal industrial production statistics by broad industry group.

     The survey was conducted from January to October 2006.  Apart from manufacturing establishments, the survey also enumerated establishments engaged in quarrying; and supply of electricity, gas and water.

     More detailed survey results will be given in the "Report on 2005 Annual Survey of Industrial Production". Users can download this survey report (in PDF format) free of charge at the "Statistical Bookstore, Hong Kong" ( of C&SD as from end December 2006. Details on the release of the survey report will be announced later.

     For enquiries about the survey results, please contact the Industrial Production and Tourism Statistics Section of the C&SD at telephone 2882 4208 or email

Ends/Thursday, November 30, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:18