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CE speaks at Trade Development Council 40th anniversary reception (English only)(with photos)

    The following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, at the 40th anniversary reception of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre this evening (November 29):

Peter [Woo], distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     It is my great pleasure to join you today to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

     The export sector has been a strong pillar of our economy.  Forty years ago, the Government established the Hong Kong Trade Development Council to spearhead the promotion and development of Hong Kong's external trade, particularly Hong Kong's exports.  Over the years, TDC has moved with the times and has deftly responded to changes in the global trading environment.  It has provided sterling service in supporting Hong Kong exporters of goods and services, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, to expand their markets.  The success of Hong Kong exporters in making early inroads into the emerging markets in the Mainland of China and Eastern Europe bears witness to TDC's foresight and tireless efforts.

     Our country's Eleventh Five-Year Plan affirms Hong Kong's role as an international trading centre.  The Government will continue to work closely with TDC to ensure that we will excel in this role.  This will not only benefit Hong Kong, but also contribute to the expansion and liberalisation of the Mainland market.  Hong Kong will stand to reap a rich harvest in this partnership.

     Hong Kong has long ceased to be a mere trading post.  We have developed into a high-value services centre.  TDC's initiative in recent years to promote Hong Kong as a premier trade-fair capital and a regional sourcing hub has added impetus to this development.  I am proud to see the increasing number of TDC mega fairs on the world league.

     Today, Hong Kong is no longer just a gateway to the Mainland of China.  We are acting more like a revolving door, bringing trade and investment into and out of the Mainland.  With an extensive network of more than 40 offices around the globe, TDC will be the trading arm of the Government and a beacon and facilitator for our traders as they seek new market opportunities.

     Ladies and gentlemen, I wish TDC many more anniversaries to come.  Thank you very much.

Ends/Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:40


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