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Second Open Day to promote smoke-free environment in restaurants

    About 320 food premises took part in the second Smoke-free Restaurant Open Day today (November 29) to better prepare for implementation of the smoking ban in indoor areas of restaurants as required under the newly amended Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance from January 1, 2007.

     Speaking at a ceremony to mark the second of a series of Open Days held on the 29th of each month, the Deputy Director of Health, Dr TH Leung, said that more and more restaurants of different nature, size, and cuisine, were joining the list of smoke-free restaurants.

     All participating restaurants displayed posters and prominent no-smoking signs in their premises to remind clients of the smoke-free Open Day.

     Wearing badges of Smoke-Free Ambassadors, staff of these restaurants helped distribute pamphlets and gave advice to clients patronising the restaurants.

     Dr Leung said certain trades or businesses might require a longer adaptation period to prepare for the changes and to transform their mode of business operations.

     "The smoking ban for six types of establishments - designated mahjong rooms in a qualified club, qualified bars, qualified nightclubs, bathhouses, massage establishments and mahjong-tin kau premises - will take effect on July 1, 2009, if these premises comply with the prescribed requirements and apply to the Director of Health to be put on the List of Qualified Establishments" he said.

     Details of the application procedures for the deferment of smoking ban are available on the website of the Department of Health's Tobacco Control Office or through the enquiry hotline 2961 8823.

     At today's ceremony, Dr Leung and Co-chairmen of a Smoke-free Restaurants Working Group Mr Anthony Lock presented prizes to the winners of a Smoke-Free Restaurants Slogan Competition which attracted entries from more than 230 contestants in July.

     Mr Lock, who is also Convenor of the Catering Entertainment Premises Smoking Ban Regulations Concern Group, said that the winning entries were selected by more than 7,400 people who patronised the smoke-free restaurants on the first Smoke-free Restaurant Open Day on October 29.

     The Smoke-free Restaurants Working Group was jointly set up by the Department of Health and the catering industry in March this year to serve as a bridge between the Government and the industry.

     Publicity and health education activities were organised by the Working Group to enable people to understand the harmful effects of smoking, and hence encouraging them not to smoke.

     Also attending the ceremony were Chairman of the Association of Restaurant Managers, Mr Lo Ho Wan, Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants and Related Trades, Mr Chan Wing-on, and Chairman of the Association for Hong Kong Catering Services Management Ltd, Mr Yeung Wai-sing.

Ends/Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:02