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Western drug ingredients found in herbal product (with photo)

    The Department of Health today (November 28) called on members of the public not to buy or take a herbal product called ä©•Khun-Phra", which were found to have contained six western drug ingredients that may cause side effects.

     A DH spokesman said the department obtained samples of the product for investigation after receiving a report from the Hospital Authority about a patient, a 75-year-old woman, who complained of facial puffiness and weight gain after consuming the product for joint pain and arthritis for eight months. She was diagnosed to have medical condition believed to be related to the product. Her symptoms subsided after she stopped using the product.

     Investigation revealed that the herbal product contained dexamethasone, prednisolone, phenylbutazone, mebhydrolin, cyproheptadine and diazepam, western medicines ingredients that may cause side effects such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

     Products containing all these ingredients are western medicines and must be registered before sale.  

     In addition, products containing dexamethasone, prednisolone and phenylbutazone are Third Schedule poisons under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance and products containing Diazepam are Dangerous Drugs under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, i.e. they can only be sold on a doctor's prescription and dispensed under the supervision of a pharmacist.

     As a precautionary measure, people who have this product should stop using them immediately. They should seek medical attention if they feel unwell after using these products.

     People with arthritis and joint-pain should consult healthcare professionals for appropriate advice or treatment.

     Anyone who is in possession of the product should dispose of them or submit them to the DH's Pharmaceutical Service at the third floor, Public Health Laboratory Centre, 382 Nam Cheong Street, Kowloon during office hours.

Ends/Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Issued at HKT 21:04

