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WKCD Museums Advisory Group makes innovative recommendations

    The Museums Advisory Group (MAG) of the Consultative Committee on the Core Arts and Cultural Facilities of the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) today (November 23) submitted a report on its recommendations on museum facilities in the WKCD.

     The Chief Secretary for Administration who is also the Chairman of the Consultative Committee, Mr Rafael Hui, said: "We are very grateful to the Hon Victor Lo, Convenor of the MAG, and members of the group, for their efforts in drafting the report in the last few months.蒅

     The MAG has made a lot of effort since April this year, which includes extensive consultations, meetings with professional groups and individuals to gauge views, inviting overseas museum experts to come to Hong Kong for exchanges and visits to major museums abroad. It has also held more than a dozen meetings to analyse, examine and discuss in depth the views received and made recommendations accordingly.

     Convenor of the MAG, the Hon Victor Lo, also thanked members of the Advisory Group who have worked tirelessly in the last few months to draw up the report.

     "After examining and discussing the views received, the Advisory Group recommends to set up a new and forwarding-looking cultural institution in WKCD, with a mission to study, promote and showcase the visual culture of the 20th and the 21st centuries from a 'Hong Kong perspective' and a 'now perspective', coupled with a global vision.

     "Four initial broad groupings for development are being proposed: - 'Design', 'Moving Image', 'Popular Culture' and 'Visual Art' (including ink art)," he said.

     The Advisory Group suggests naming the institution 'M+'(or 'Museum Plus'). M+ will study and showcase visual culture in an unorthodox manner, encourage interaction and actively establish a platform for dialogues with audience.

     "The Group attaches great importance to the research and educational role of M+. Hence, in addition to exhibition space, it also proposes to set up a dedicated outreach and education centre, a library cum archive, a bookstore, screening facilities and artists-in-residence studios," the Hon Victor Lo said.

     In addition, the Advisory Group suggests to set up a self-financing exhibition centre for displays of arts, culture, creative industries and to host events related to WKCD to enrich cultural atmosphere in the district.

     After examining the report by the MAG, the Consultative Committee considered the Group's recommendations as creative and innovative. The Consultative Committee agreed to forward the recommendations to the Financial Matters Advisory Group (FMAG) for the purpose of assessing the financial implications.

     The Consultative Committee and its three Advisory Groups, namely, the Performing Arts and Tourism Advisory Group (PATAG), MAG and FMAG, were established in April 2006 to re-examine the need for the core arts and cultural facilities in the WKCD. The report of the PATAG, with the consent of the Consultative Committee, has been forwarded to the FMAG. The Consultative Committee aims to submit its report, based on the recommendations made by the three Advisory Groups, to the Government by early next year.

     The MAG's main recommendations are set out in the annex.

Ends/Thursday, November 23, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:13