Statistics on the Code on Access to Information

    The Government received a total of 570 requests for information under the Code on Access to Information in the third quarter of 2006, a spokesman for the Home Affairs Bureau said today (November 23).

     This brings the number of requests received, since the introduction of the code in March, 1995, to 21,025. Of these, 18,818 requests (90%) were met, either in full (18,384 requests) or in part (434 requests). Only 410 requests (2%) were refused. A total of 990 requests (5%) was subsequently withdrawn and in respect of 720 requests (3%), the bureau/department concerned did not hold the requested information.

     At September 30, 2006, 44 requests were still being processed by bureaus and departments.

     Anyone who is dissatisfied with the response of a bureau/department under the code may request that the matter be reviewed. A complaint can also be lodged with the Ombudsman.

     In the third quarter of 2006, the Ombudsman received three complaints relating to the code. The Ombudsman decided not to take any action in respect of one case after consideration of the circumstances of the case. The other two complaints are being examined by the Ombudsman.

     "The statistics show that Government bureaus and departments have been complying with the code to the general satisfaction of the people concerned," the spokesman said.

Ends/Thursday, November 23, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:00