TAC discusses combating illegal activities by light goods vehicles

    The Transport Advisory Committee today (November 21) discussed the roles and operation of light goods vehicles (LGVs) and taxis.

     Also discussed was the proposal by some members of the taxi trade to combat illegal activities by LGVs through legislative amendment to define the meaning of 'goods' and 'personal effects' and lowering the ceiling on passenger seating capacity for an LGV.

     "Members of the committee consider that the roles of LGVs and taxis have been clearly stated under the existing legislation. The role of goods vehicles is to provide service for carriage of goods while taxis play the role of public passenger transport service provider.  The relevant specifications were made clear in the respective licences issued to the operators," the Chairman of the Transport Advisory Committee, Ms Teresa Cheng, said after the meeting.

     The committee believed that illegal carriage of passengers for hire and reward by some LGVs should be combatted by enforcement action.

     "We understand that there have been successful prosecutions against illegal carriage of passengers for reward by LGVs.  These show that whether or not the trip concerned involves carriage of passengers for reward is the key point in instituting prosecution.

     "As LGVs carry a vast variety of goods, it is not practical in the light of their actual operation mode to redefine what 'goods' means.  Besides, it will cause inconvenience to people who need to transport goods. Similarly, to specify rigidly what 'personal effects' means may adversely affect the law-abiding transport operators and the passengers," Ms Cheng said.

     The committee supported continued publicity and education by the Government to help the public better understand that passengers may lose the necessary protection of third party insurance if they use illegal carriage of passenger service for hire or reward by LGVs.

     Committee members also supported the arrangement of designating a new loading and unloading area for LGVs at the airport.  The arrangement would not affect the legitimate operation of LGV drivers at the airport and it would help reduce the operating area of illegal carriage of passengers for reward by LGVs.   Upon commissioning of the new loading and unloading area for LGVs, both LGVs and taxis will be barred from using Car Parks 1 and 4 at the airport where some LGVs and taxis currently undertake illegal transport activities.

     Committee members hoped that the necessary construction works for the new arrangements could start and be implemented as soon as possible because the arrangements could help the Police concentrate their resources in taking enforcement action against these illegal activities.

Ends/Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:58