Appointment to the Committee on Performing Arts and Funding Committee for the Performing Arts

    The Home Affairs Bureau today (November 20) announced the appointment/re-appointment of members to the Committee on Performing Arts and the establishment of a new Funding Committee for the Performing Arts.

     The Committee on Performing Arts was established in November 2004 to advise the Government on the provision of performing arts service including:

* the promotion of appreciation, expression and creativity in the performing arts;
* the formulation of strategies and plans for the development of performing arts facilities and services, with reference to the Culture and Heritage Commission Policy recommendations; and
* the encouragement of community support and partnership with different sectors in arts education, cultural exchange and other matters pertaining to the promotion of the performing arts.

     A spokesman for Home Affairs Bureau said that the first term of the Committee had submitted its Recommendation Report (I) in June 2006, which put forward recommendations on funding, venue and programming for the performing arts. The new term of the Committee would continue to examine topics like promotion, marketing, ticket-pricing, audience building, arts education and festivals. The new term of the Committee would serve for two years with effect from November 1, 2006.

     To follow up on the recommendation of the Committee on Performing Arts on funding for performing arts organisations, a Funding Committee for the Performing Arts will also be established.

     "The new Funding Committee will advise the Government on funding major performing arts groups currently receiving annual subvention from the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the three-year grant from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, including working out a consolidated grant, developing a new funding system and mechanism with reference to the parameters recommended in the Committee on Performing Arts Recommendation Report (I); and considering the need to establish 䩕flagship蒅 performing companies in Hong Kong," the spokesman said.

     The new Committee will also serve a two-year term from November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2008.

     The full membership lists of the two Committees are as follows:

Committee on Performing Arts
Chairman      : Dr Darwin Chen, SBS  
Vice-chairman : Mr Chang Ching-po, Clarence
Members       : AU Yeung Fung-chun
                Mr Chan Chung-bun, Bunny, BBS, JP
                Mr Jolland Chan
                Mr Chen Chung-nin, Rock
                Mr Cheng Kam-chung, Eric, MH
                Dr Cheung Ping-kuen, MH
                Dr Saimond Ip
                Mr Ip Sai-hung
                Mr Ko Chi-sum, MH
                Mr Koo Yee-yin, Irving, SBS, JP
                Mr Lam Kin-ko, Stewart
                Dr. Lam Pun-lee
                Mrs Lau Kun Lai-kuen, Stella, JP  
                Miss Lau Man-man, Lisa, MH, JP
                Prof Lo King-man, BBS, JP
                Mr Ng Hing-yin
                Mr Pun Siu-fai
                Dr Shen Shir-ming
                The Rt. Rev Soo Yee-po, Thomas, JP
                Miss Tang Lok-yin
                Miss Tang Shuk-tak, Karen
                Mrs Too So Kwok-chun
                Ms Wong Ying-kay, Ada, JP
                Mr Yeung Wai-chung, Frankie
                Dr Yu Siu-wah
                Mr Cheuk Yat-fan
Ex-officio    : Representative of Hong Kong
members          Arts Development Council
                Representative of Hong Kong
                 Academy for the Performing Arts
                Representative of Home Affairs Bureau
                Representative of Leisure and
                 Cultural Services Department

Funding Committee for the Performing Arts
Chairman      : Dr Darwin Chen, SBS  
Members       : Mr Lee Wai-man, Maurice, JP
                Prof Lo King-man, BBS, JP
                Mr Ma Fung-kwok, SBS, JP
                Dr Ma Ka-fai
Ex-officio    : Chairman of the Committee on Venue
members          Partnership
                Chairman of the Programme and
                 Development Committee
                Representative of Home Affairs Bureau
                Representative of Leisure and
                 Cultural Services Department

Ends/Monday, November 20, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:49