LegCo building open day

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council will hold an Open Day of the Legislative Council Building next Saturday (November 25) from 10am to 5pm.

     The purpose of organising the event is to enable members of the public to get to know the work of the Legislative Council and pay a visit to the 94-year-old historical Legislative Council Building.

     Hon Mrs Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai, President of the Legislative Council, Hon Miriam Lau Kin-yee, Chairman of the House Committee, and Hon Fred Li Wah-ming, Deputy Chairman of the House Committee, will officiate at an opening ceremony at 9.30am that day to mark the start of the event.

     Members of the public are welcome to come to visit the Legislative Council Building on the Open Day. They will be able to tour the Chamber and the Ante-Chamber, the President﷿s Office (for viewing only), Conference Rooms A, B and C, the Press Conference Room, the Press Room, the Dining Hall, and Members﷿ Rooms.

     Those interested in visiting the Legislative Council Building are requested to assemble outside Public Entrance II of the Building (facing the Statue Square) at any time from 10am to 5pm that day to wait for admission, and they will be admitted in guided groups at regular intervals. Guided tours will be conducted by Members of the Legislative Council and staff of the Legislative Council Secretariat.

     For the purposes of crowd control and smooth flow of traffic, the touring route will be one-way only and members of the public will enter at Public Entrance II and exit at Public Entrance I of the Legislative Council Building. At the start of the tour, visitors will be given a route map and a Fact Sheet introducing the work of the Legislative Council, and they will receive a souvenir before leaving the Building.

Ends/Friday, November 17, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:30