International Festival of Inclusive Arts Stage to Craze--A Crazy Night of Music, Dance and Movement (with photo)

The following is issued on behalf of the International Festival of Inclusive Arts:

     Through music, dance and movement of the body, relativities between the verbal and the non-verbal, the strong and the weak are given a thorough evaluation. Are you ready for such a powerful impact? "Stage to Craze" to be held on December 6 at 7:30pm at the Studio Theatre of Hong Kong Cultural Centre is a night of music, dance and movement as well as one of the performances of the International Festival of Inclusive Arts (IFIA).

     "Beauty and the Beast" is a story of inclusion of the beautiful and the ugly, the human and the beast. Hong Kong Theatre of the Deaf adapts it to a "Visual Communication Theatre" where actors with hearing impairment and graduate of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Gi Gi Cheng will put their best feet forward to transform the roar of the beast and the whisper of the beauty into body movements. It's simply fascinating!

     A pioneer of inclusive dance in the United Kingdom, Blue Eyed Soul Dance Company defies our perception of movement and opens a new scene for aerial dance in its performance "Touch and Catch". The performance conveys the messages of inclusion that fragility and strength are of equal beauty, and that the potential to move can be altered with the assistance of others and objects.

     Happy Lutheran Band of the Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, composed of musicians with and without visual impairment, will interpret a few popular Chinese songs. With their unique sensitivity, it is certain that they gain the rapport of the audience.

     Organised by the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau and the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, the IFIA will be held from December 2 to 10. Through diverse programmes like performances, exhibitions, symposium, workshops and carnival, the festival aims at providing an opportunity for participation in arts by people with and without disabilities, and promoting an inclusive society.

     Tickets at $50 per person are available at all URBTIX outlets. Discount tickets at $30 per person are available to senior citizens, people with disabilities and one minder each, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients. Wheelchair seats are provided.

     For programme enquiries, call the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong at 2855 9548; for ticketing enquiries and reservations, call 2734 9009. Internet bookings are available at For credit card telephone bookings, call 2111 5999. Visit for more information about the festival.

     For media enquiries, please contact Miss Winnie Chan at 9471 0010 or Miss Carina Wong at 9268 0326 of the media liaison office.  

Ends/Friday, November 17, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:00