Director of Audit's review on provision of electoral services by the Registration and Electoral Office

    In response to media enquiries on the Director of Audit's review on the provision of electoral services by the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) released today (November 15), a spokesman for the REO said, "Elections in Hong Kong have a well-established reputation of being conducted openly, honestly and fairly, and that the Administration will ensure that this will continue to be so."

      "The REO strives to ensure the accuracy of the voter registers. During the annual voter registration campaigns, registered electors are reminded to update their residential address records with the REO. REO has a standing arrangement to match its record with data kept by some departments for address updating purposes."

     The spokesman said that REO would explore with other relevant departments the possibility of conducting data matching for updating the residential addresses of registered electors.  It would also explore the feasibility of conducting sampling checks to verify the residential addresses of registered electors.

     The staff of REO has been vigilant in detecting irregularities which appear in voter registration forms. Complaints or suspected cases of making false declaration are referred to the relevant law enforcement bodies for follow-up action.

     The spokesman said, "Regarding the 85 cases identified by Audit with a large number of electors registered under the same address, REO has already completed its investigation. It is noted that the addresses are homes for the aged, villages or floating population which do not have door-to-door mail delivery services, rehabilitation centres or hostels, large developments or residences which could accommodate a large number of people, etc.. The addresses are located in various districts in Hong Kong.

     "Based on the findings of the investigation so far, REO has not detected any suspected illegal conduct by electors. In some instances where the electors may have moved homes but have not updated their addresses with REO, REO will take follow-up action as part of the normal procedure for making enquiries with the electors concerned to update their addresses or, if necessary, consider initiating action to deregister them."

     Details of REO's investigation, as set out in paragraph 2.40(g) of Director of Audit's report, are reproduced at Annex.

Ends/Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Issued at HKT 21:35