Speech by Commissioner of Police (with photo)

The following is the speech delivered by the Commissioner of Police, Mr Lee Ming-kwai, at the Force Remembrance Day today (November 11):

Ladies & gentlemen, we are gathered here today to pay tribute to both the Regular and Auxiliary members of the Hong Kong Police Force who have given their lives in the line of duty.

This solemn ceremony is a fitting tribute to the dedication and fortitude of all those who have served in the past 160 years, including our present strength of 26,900 regular officers, 3,700 Auxiliary officers and 4,800 civilian colleagues.

Today we honour the memory of those officers both Regular and Auxiliary who, whilst performing their sworn duty, have made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives in the service of the people of Hong Kong.  Time and time again we police officers confront danger and continually face the uncertainty of whether our duty to protect and serve will place us in harm﷿s way.  We however do not flinch from this challenge to ensure our community can live in a safe and stable society.

In the past year we have tragically lost Police Constable Tsang Kwok-hang, who died in the execution of his duty.  Constable Tsang﷿s sacrifice reflects the dangers faced daily by all police officers and his selfless dedication to duty is an example to all of us.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are particularly honoured today by the presence of members of the Hong Kong Police Old Comrades Association, the Royal Hong Kong Police Association and other former-members of the Hong Kong Police Force.  Like the many officers who came before them, they represent an integral part of the fine traditions for which the Force is both famed and justifiably proud: traditions which our younger generation of officers must take forward into the future.

To all of you present here today I now ask that you remain standing and following the ﷿Last Post﷿ join with me in observing a two minute silence in memory of all the officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.

Police Report No. 4

Ends/Saturday, November 11, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:37