Transcript of remarks by Financial Secretary

    Following is the transcript of remarks (English portion) by the Financial Secretary, Mr Henry Tang, to the media after attending the Child Development Forum this morning (November 10):

Reporter: Where will the money come from? ﷿﷿

Financial Secretary: Well, like I said just now, asset-building is a relatively new concept in Hong Kong, so the importance is to ensure and communicate it properly, so that the community is behind this common goal and there is a community buy-in process. But as far as resources are concerned, the government as well as businesses should play a role. The government will have to inject a certain amount of resources to get it started and also the important thing is to get the whole business community behind it so they will see that by investing in the next generation, they are contributing to the building up of a society asset, so that we will be more competitive going into the future.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Friday, November 10, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:09