Queen Elizabeth Hospital diarrhoea and fever cases update

    Regarding a neonatal ward in Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) in which there were newborn infants with diarrhoeal and fever symptoms earlier, the hospital announced the following update today (November 8):

     One more female newborn infant in the same neonatal ward had presented with diarrhoeal symptom.  She is being treated under isolation.  Since October 27, there are totally 15 infants presented with the symptoms.  The test results of all these infants were positive to Rotavirus.   Five infants are still hospitalised and all of them are in stable condition.
     Admission to the ward has been tightened while visiting arrangement remains normal. Infection control measures have been stepped up in the ward. All infants are under close surveillance.

     QEH Infection Control Team has reported the cases to the Hospital Authority and the Centre for Health Protection.

Ends/Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:11