Special events to mark HKSAR 10th anniversary (with photos)

    The Government will organise a series of events spanning several months to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR next year and has extended an open invitation to the people of Hong Kong to participate and enjoy the celebrations.

     At a press conference today (November 3), the Director of the Celebrations Preparatory Office (CPO) of the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office, Mr Raymond Young, said the Government would organise celebration events in the territory, and through its overseas Economic and Trade Offices and offices on the Mainland, in overseas and Mainland cities.

     The Government attaches great importance to the preparatory work for the 10th anniversary celebrations. In July, 2006, an interdepartmental Steering Committee led by the Chief Secretary for Administration was formed and in September, the Celebrations Preparatory Office was set up to plan and prepare the celebration programme.  

     The themes of the celebrations will be "The successful implementation of One Country, Two Systems" and "The Hong Kong Spirit". "We hope the celebration activities will show to people around the world Hong Kong's vigor and vitality and how we have successfully maintained the territory as Asia's world city and a leading trading and financial centre," Mr Young said. "We have achieved this through our own efforts and our close ties with the Mainland."

     The main celebration events will be launched between April and September next year. Various departments have started planning work on the different types of events. These include ceremonial and celebratory events, exhibitions and international conferences, infrastructure-related events, as well as various cultural, sports and district events in which people of all ages are most welcome to participate.

     Mr Young said that throughout the celebrations, the Government aimed to review, with the people of Hong Kong, the achievements in the past decade, to look to the future and showcase to the world the successful implementation of "One Country, Two Systems" in the territory.

     To promote the celebration events, the Government has designed an official logo and launched a website at www.gov.hk/10 starting from today. The website will provide the latest information on the celebration programme to the public.

     Mr Young appealed to all sectors of the community to support and participate in the celebration events. Community and district organisations were welcome to organise their own celebration activities. Events which fulfil the necessary requirements may apply for accreditation for inclusion in the official Events Calendar and website. Organisers of "accredited" events would be allowed to use the official logo for the 10th anniversary celebrations. The Government would provide souvenirs specially designed for the celebrations for distribution to participants in these "accredited" events.

     "We hope everyone will participate in the anniversary celebrations and the support of all sectors in the community will add to the festive and joyous atmosphere," he said.

     Organisations interested in seeking accreditation of their events may obtain an application form and guidance notes at the CPO (Address: 4/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai) or the Public Enquiry Service Centres of District Offices. They can also browse the guidance notes and download the application form at the 10th anniversary celebrations website (www.gov.hk/10). Completed application forms should be sent to CPO before January 31, 2007. Applicants will be informed of the results as soon as possible after receipt of the applications.

     Mr Young appealed to individuals, community organisations and the business sector to offer sponsorships to support the celebration programme, apart from participating in or organising celebration events on their own. The Government will set up a celebration fund for pooling sponsorships. The sponsorships will be used to support major celebration events organised or co-organised by the Government and a portion will be deployed to District Councils or District Offices to support worthy district-based events to be held between April and September, 2007.

     He said his office also hoped to recruit children born on July 1, 1997, to participate in some of the celebration activities.

     "A photo competition will launch the celebration programme. Participants are invited to capture on camera the images which show Hong Kong's success in the past decade, the successful implementation of 'One Country, Two Systems' and the can-do attitude and entrepreneurial spirit of Hong Kong people," Mr Young added.

     The photo competition comprises three categories: Youth (aged 10 to 17), Open (aged 18 or above) and Mobile Phone (open to all ages). There are prizes at district and territory levels. Each of the 18 districts will return five winners each for the Youth and Open categories who will automatically enter the territory-wide competition. The Mobile Phone Category will be held only at territory level. Entries from Hong Kong residents can be submitted from November 15, 2006, to January 12, 2007. For details about the competition, please visit the website: www.gov.hk/10.

     For enquiries relating to the 10th anniversary celebrations, please contact the CPO at 2835 2225.

Ends/Friday, November 3, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:01