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Housing Authority Enhances Fire Safety Standard in Public Housing (with photo)

The following is issued on behalf of Housing Authority:

     The Housing Authority (HA) has recently been upgrading its fire services installations in public housing estates with a view to enhancing the overall fire safety standard.  

     Speaking today (November 2) at the launching ceremony of the Estate Fire Safety Campaign 2006, Mr Lau Kai-hung, Deputy Director of Housing (Estate Management) pointed out that proper maintenance of fire services installations and alertness to fire hazards at home are the key to fire prevention. He said, "In both aspects, estate tenants have an important role to play."  

     "Fire alarm systems in most older public housing estates have been upgraded over the past five years. With the upgraded systems, front-line management staff of housing blocks can now identify instantly the exact floor where the fire alarm is activated, so that appropriate response can be promptly made," Mr Lau added.

     It is noted that some false fire alarms last year had much to do with prolonged periods of high humidity and unstable weather.  Mr Lau said, "Some of the fire alarm modules have therefore been removed from humid locations or replaced by waterproof models. Smoke detectors are cleaned more frequently to reduce accumulation of dust and moisture. Consequently false alarm incidents dropped sharply. The HA will extend the improvement works to all housing estates with such need."    

     Mr Lau encouraged tenants to take proper care of and learn to correctly use various fire services installations, "Damaging or stealing HA property, fire services installations included, will become one of the misdeeds under the Marking Scheme for Estate Management Enforcement effective January next year. We want to raise tenants' awareness in the proper caring of estate facilities and ensuring estate safety."  

     Statistics showed that majority of fires in public housing estates last year were attributable to negligence. Cooking fires resulting from over-heating was the biggest single cause, totalling more than 900 cases, followed by improper handling of cigarette ends, matches or candles which accounted for over 140 cases.

     The HA will continue its efforts to promote fire safety through educational programmes for tenants to master the basic fire safety measures and the usage of fire services installations. Fire drills are also conducted on a regular basis to familiarise tenants with escape routes and emergency measures.

     Today's ceremony kicked off the campaign with the roving "Estate Fire Safety Fun Filled Show" jointly organised with Metro Showbiz to be staged in different estates. The HA will continue to disseminate fire safety messages in all public housing estates by organising fire drills and publicity programmes. Fire prevention information is also available in the Events and Activities section of the HA/Housing Department Web Site.  

Ends/Thursday, November 2, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:23

