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CIIF presents achievement awards

The following is issued on behalf of the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund:

     The Community Investment and Inclusion Fund (CIIF) Committee today (November 1) announced the winners of the CIIF Achievement Awards with eight projects being recognised this year for their contributions to the building of social capital in five categories.

     "The hard efforts of these project teams and unique partnerships with their collaborators have helped to build capacities of individuals, encourage the spirit of mutual help and strengthen community networks that resulted in enhancing social solidarity," a spokesman for the fund said.

     Five categories of awards will be presented this year. They are: Award for Exceptional Volunteering, Award for Continuous Enhancements, Awards for Critical Partnerships, Award for Effective Network Building and Awards for Sustainability and Development of Social Capital.

     Volunteers who have made selfless dedication to their projects and acted as a motivator to achieve social capital outcomes will receive the Award for the Exceptional Volunteering.

     The Award for Continuous Enhancements will be awarded to projects that have demonstrated significant conceptual and strategic breakthroughs in achieving effective social capital outcomes.

     The Awards for Critical Partnerships will recognise the performance and contributions of project collaborators who have played a critical role in building social capital and creating opportunities to enhance social and economic outcomes.   Projects that are effective in weaving cross-generational and cross strata mutual aid networks and promoting cross-sectoral collaboration would be presented with the Award for Effective Network Building.

     Project participants and leaders who have applied the innovative strategies to engage participants and their local community in building, sustaining and developing their mutual help networks will be given the Award for Sustainability and Development of Social Capital.

     Following is the list of awardees:

Award for Exceptional Volunteering

*Co-Help Network and Vitaliser Project / Angels of Vision ﷿ Retina Hong Kong

Award For Continuous Enhancements

*Family Education ﷿ Love and Caring at Home - Ching Fai Women Association

Award for Critical Partnerships

*Tsang Lik Services Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited for The Red Apprentices-Employability Enhancement Scheme
*Ms Joey Chan of Health and Life Beauty Workshop ﷿ for the ROOT "Ramify Our Outward Teen" project

Award For Effective Network Building

*Hometown at Fisherman Village -Tai O Community Networking Project / Tai O Resident Rights Concern Group

Award for Sustainability and Development of Social Capital

*The Wheat Grass Charming Garden Project - Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Jockey Club Lei Tung Integrated Service Centre
*Lok Kwan Social Service for the Home Repair Services Co-op
*The Caring Estates in Southern District - Hong Kong Southern District Women's Association and the Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre

     The Acting chairperson of the CIIF Committee, Ms Sophia Kao, said it was hoped that the awards could create a snowballing effect, mobilising more people and partners to participate in building social capital and establishing a harmonious society.
     The Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, and Ms Kao will officiate at the award presentation ceremony to be held tomorrow (November 2) at the Fourth CIIF Annual Forum and Project Expo at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Ends/Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:15