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First International Festival of Inclusive Arts in Hong Kong (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the International Festival of Inclusive Arts:

     World famous percussionist Evelyn Glennie, violinist Yao Jue and Cantonese Opera singer Koi Ming-fai, will join with various artists with disabilities to present the first performance for the first International Festival of Inclusive Arts in Hong Kong. Organised by the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau and the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, the International Festival of Inclusive Arts will be held from December 2 to 10. Through diverse programmes like performances, exhibitions, symposium, workshops and carnival, the festival aims at providing an opportunity for participation in arts by people with and without disabilities, and promoting an inclusive society.

     To be held on December 3 (Sunday) at 7.15pm, the "Gala Performance" at the Concert Hall of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre features the star of the arts in the United Kingdom and the only full-time solo percussionist, Evelyn Glennie, presenting "Percussion Explosion ﷿ Evelyn Glennie". Breaking through hearing impairment, Evelyn gives more than 100 performances a year worldwide, performing with the greatest conductors, orchestras, and artists. In 1993 Evelyn was awarded the OBE (Officer of the British Empire) for her services to music and has received more than 70 international awards.

     Renowned violinist Yao Jue, pianist Luke Wong, visually impaired vocalist Christina Wong and soprano Poon Yeuk-foo will present "Classical Music Quartet". Apart from individual performances, the four will perform a song in German about motherhood to attain integration in music and to pay honour to motherhood. Cantonese Opera singer Koi Ming-fai and Kwan Tim, on crutches, will sing the vocal part of the "The Death of Princess Chang Ping" while the acting part will be done by actors from "Kim Sum Cantonese Opera". A Cantonese Opera excerpt performed across the boundaries of ages and abilities is bound to bring refreshing fun. A deaf theatre company in Hong Kong, "Theatre of Silence"; a hearing impaired African American hip-hop group, "Wild Zappers"; and a Yoga tribe from Hong Kong and India will turn from feud to friends in the deaf theatre, "Park and Art".

     Filled with internationally celebrated percussion solo performance, classical music, Chinese Opera and deaf theatre, the "Gala Performance" will bring sensations from performances that travel through time. Tickets at $80 per person are available at all URBTIX outlets. Discount tickets at $40 per person are available to senior citizens, people with disabilities and one minder each, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients. Wheelchair seats and sign language service are available.

     For programme enquiries, call the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong at 2855 9548; for ticketing enquiries and reservations, call 2734 9009. Internet bookings are available at For credit card telephone bookings, call 2111 5999. Visit for more information about the festival.

Ends/Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:17


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