LCQ2: Visit to Hong Kong by Chinese citizens holding permanent resident status in foreign countries

    Following is a question by the Hon Choy So-yuk and a reply by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee, in the Legislative Council today (July 5):


     The Hong Kong Government announced on June 9 this year that, provided normal immigration requirements are met, holders of a valid "Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents" with a valid entry/exit endorsement for the Mainland may, apart from transiting Hong Kong, also visit Hong Kong and stay for up to seven days.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council whether it will consider relaxing the immigration requirements for Chinese nationals with a foreign right of abode, including the People's Republic of China passport holders residing in such countries as Japan and the Philippines, so that they may be treated in the same way as Taiwan residents; if it will, of the details of the relevant entry arrangement and the timetable for implementation; if not, the reasons for that?


Madam President,

     From June 12, 2006, other than transiting Hong Kong, holders of a valid "Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents" (commonly known as "Tai Bao Zheng") which bears a valid entry/exit endorsement for the Mainland may also visit Hong Kong and stay for up to seven days provided normal immigration requirements are met.

     Previously, Taiwan businessmen residing on the Mainland were required to apply for iPermit or an entry permit through authorised airlines in Taiwan should they wish to come to Hong Kong for business visits or sightseeing.  This was considered to be rather inconvenient.  Apart from benefiting Taiwanese residing on the Mainland, the new arrangement will also facilitate Taiwan residents residing in Taiwan and overseas as they will enjoy greater flexibility in planning their journeys.

     As required under Article 22 of the Basic Law, persons from other parts of China are required to apply for approval for entry into Hong Kong.  Under the existing arrangement, Mainland residents who wish to travel to Hong Kong for sightseeing must apply to the relevant Mainland authorities for an Exit-entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao and a relevant exit endorsement.  PRC passport holders may transit Hong Kong for not more than seven days without the need to separately apply for an entry permit.  This requirement is the same regardless of whether or not individual visitors under this category have overseas permanent resident status.  

     To facilitate PRC passport holders residing overseas to visit Hong Kong, they may apply for an entry permit from a nearby overseas Chinese diplomatic and consular missions or the Immigration Department direct.  Overseas Chinese diplomatic and consular missions may issue single-journey or double-journey entry permits valid for three months.  Holders of such permits may stay in Hong Kong for 14 days to one month on each visit.  Subject to the meeting of the relevant requirements (e.g. having a stable income and the absence of any adverse immigration record), PRC passport holders who have lived overseas for not less than one year may apply for a multiple-journey entry permit valid for 24 months.  Holders of this type of permit may stay in Hong Kong for 14 days on each visit.

     We believe the existing arrangement provides adequate avenue for Chinese citizens who hold permanent resident status in foreign countries to come to Hong Kong.  Taking into account the need to strike a balance between enhancing travel convenience for visiting Hong Kong and maintaining effective immigration control, we will carefully examine the suggestion raised by the Hon Choy So-yuk and explore its feasibility with relevant authorities.

Ends/Wednesday, July 5, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:56