CE's speech at Welcome Dinner for CPPCC Chairman (with photos)

Following is the translation of the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, at the Welcome Dinner for the Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Mr Jia Qinglin, this evening (June 28):

Honourable Chairman Jia, distinguished guests,

     We are most delighted to have Chairman Jia visiting Hong Kong. On behalf of the SAR Government and the people of Hong Kong, I am deeply honoured to extend our warmest welcome to Chairman Jia.

     This is Mr Jia's first visit to Hong Kong in his capacity as Chairman of the CPPCC. He will have the chance to experience first-hand the vitality and vigour of Asia's world city. Our economy has continued to develop rapidly, with steady growth in many of our economic indicators. This pleasing outcome owes much to the hard work and creative spirit of the Hong Kong people, as well as invaluable support of our Central Government.

     Over the past three years, the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) has created a win-win situation for Hong Kong and the Mainland. The Ministry of Commerce and the Hong Kong SAR's Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau have organised a forum tomorrow to celebrate the third anniversary of the signing of CEPA. We are very honoured that Chairman Jia will officiate at the opening of the forum. Chairman Jia's presence reflects the Central Government's staunch support for the Hong Kong SAR and the importance it attaches to CEPA.

     During his three-day visit, Chairman Jia will have the opportunity to know more about the sentiments of Hong Kong people. Hong Kong is a pluralistic community. Although our views may sometimes differ, I sincerely hope that we all share the same love for our country and for Hong Kong. Our country is booming, and the Eleventh Five-Year Plan has brought about new opportunities for Hong Kong. The SAR Government will work with different sectors of the community to strengthen our competitiveness.

     As we enter the tenth year of reunification, Hong Kong people should have a broader vision of the future. Harmony is the cornerstone of stability and prosperity. Let us put aside our differences and work in concert for the further development of our country and Hong Kong.

Ends/Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:23