LCQ10 : Measures to mitigate noise nuisances

    Following is a question by the Hon Lau Wong-fat and a written reply by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao, at the Legislative Council meeting today (June 28) :


     Regarding the existing roads which generate excessive traffic noise but cannot be retrofitted with noise barriers/enclosures or resurfaced with low noise material, will the Government inform this Council of the other measures to mitigate the noise nuisances caused by road traffic to the residents nearby; if such measures include traffic control schemes, how the authorities balance the interest of the residents with that of the motorists?


Madam President,

     Over the years, the Government has been tackling traffic noise problem at source through legislation, town planning, road design and education.  For existing roads that generate excessive traffic noise, engineering measures such as retrofitting of noise barriers/enclosures or resurfacing with low noise materials for noise mitigation will be implemented where practicable.  For roads where such engineering measures are impracticable, the Government will consider implementing traffic management schemes in each individual case.

     A prerequisite for implementing a traffic management scheme is that the scheme must effectively alleviate the noise problem without seriously affecting members of the public such as motorists.  Therefore, before implementation, the departments concerned will carefully study the conditions near the particular road section and will consult local residents, individuals and groups affected, the relevant District Council and LegCo members as far as possible.  If the scheme is subsequently implemented, the Government will follow up by reviewing its effectiveness in mitigating traffic noise and its impact on travelling distance and time.  Appropriate adjustments will be made if necessary.

Ends/Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:36