Eleven employers ordered to pay MPF non-payments

    The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) today (June 27) obtained two orders for payment of outstanding MPF contributions at around $510,000 against two employers in the District Court.  MPFA today also pursued nine claims in the Small Claims Tribunal for some $210,000 on behalf of 18 employees, who were owed MPF contributions by their employers.

     The District Court today issued judgements against two employers - Right Lane First Cargoes Limited and Sang Cheong Offset Printing Limited. The defendants were ordered to pay the MPFA the sums of $323,426.70 and $187,705.40 respectively, being mandatory contributions in arrears and surcharges payable to 32 and 6 employees of the defendants respectively.

     At the Tribunal's hearing today, four defendants - Kayart Bus Limited, Ng Yun Kam trading as Shing Tat Engineering Company, Chan Soo Yum trading as Wo Hing Co. and Chang Wai Lun, Chang Wai Tung trading as Wo Hing Co., did not dispute the amounts claimed. The Adjudicator ordered the employers to pay the MPFA the sums of   $37,226.73, $29,863.68, $11,714.03 and $10,290, being mandatory contributions in arrears and surcharges payable.

     The other five defendants - Equity Transportation Limited, Lai Chiu Ming trading as Ming Fung Garment Factory, Tung Nam Transportation Limited, Kwok Kwai Yung and Lee Lai Sheung trading as E-Fat Textile Co and Real Dragon Investment limited trading as Rico Bistro - did not appear at today's hearing.  In their absence, the Adjudicator ordered them to pay the MPFA the sums of $46,234.96, $45,091.96, $20,229.72, $13,119.25 and $4,611.08, being mandatory contributions in arrears and surcharges payable.

     The amounts both awarded at the District Court and the Tribunal will be reimbursed to the employees' MPF accounts as soon as they are received by the MPFA. The District Court and the Tribunal respectively further awarded payments of $930 for each District Court cases and $160, $120, $120, $110, $160, $230, $110, $110 and $430 for the Tribunal cases as costs in respect of the claims.

Ends/Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:43