Review Committee completes report on competition policy

    The Chairman of the Competition Policy Review Committee, Mr Christopher Cheng, delivered the committee's report on Hong Kong's competition policy to the Financial Secretary, Mr Henry Tang, today (June 26).

     "The report contains the conclusions and recommendations of the committee following detailed consideration of issues related to competition policy in Hong Kong and a review of local and overseas practice,"  Mr Cheng said, adding that he was grateful to members of the committee for their hard work.

     "In putting forward our recommendations, we have had regard to the objective of enhancing competition to promote economic efficiency and free trade, to the benefit of consumers."

     The Competition Policy Review Committee was established in June, 2005, by the Competition Policy Advisory Group (COMPAG), which is chaired by the Financial Secretary to review the Government's competition policy, as well as the composition and functions of COMPAG itself.

     COMPAG will discuss the committee's report later this week, and plans to issue the report and brief the Economic Services Panel of the Legislative Council as soon as possible.

     The Financial Secretary thanked Mr Cheng and the members of the committee for their work over the past 12 months.

     Mr Tang said the Government would carefully review the recommendations of the Competition Policy Review Committee and the public would be fully consulted on the way forward for this important policy review.

Ends/Monday, June 26, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:13