CSD steps up anti-gambling measures in institutions (with photos)

    The Correctional Services Department (CSD) will spare no effort in stemming soccer gambling activities during the World Cup match period.

     Commenting on the recent attention on football gambling, a CSD spokesperson today (June 26) said that gambling in any form was strictly prohibited inside penal institutions.

     "CSD staff members have spared no effort in detecting and clamping down on any illicit activities inside penal institutions and will continue our close monitoring of inmates' activities though the situation is under control," the spokesperson said.

     "Apart from withholding newspaper supplements containing horse racing, soccer and basketball betting odds before distribution to prisoners, the frequency of surprise searches, night raids and joint search operations among institutions will be increased during the World Cup soccer tournament period.

     "Inmates who have a known involvement in gambling activities will be assigned to different workshops/dormitories," the spokesperson added.

     A total of 71 seizures of soccer-related gambling paraphernalia have been carried out by the CSD since June 9. Nineteen prisoners were disciplined for involvement in soccer-related gambling activities and possession of gambling paraphernalia.

     In 2005, a total of 169 prisoners were disciplined for their involvement in gambling activities. The penalties meted out included forfeiture of remission of 2,779 days, separate confinement of 2,203 days, forfeiture of privileges of 2,203 days and deprivation of earnings of 2,436 days.

     With permission from TV stations, management of penal institutions record important ballgame matches for prisoners' viewing during holidays when they are not required to perform work.

Ends/Monday, June 26, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:46