Reminder of Deadline for Returning Survey Questionnaires

    The Census and Statistics Department today (June 23) reminded the management of the selected establishments in the following five annual economic surveys in respect of 2005 to return the completed questionnaires to the department promptly:

*    Annual Survey of Industrial Production;
*    Annual Survey of Building, Construction and Real Estate Sectors;
*    Annual Survey of Wholesale, Retail and Import and Export Trades, Restaurants and Hotels;
*    Annual Survey of Transport and Related Services, and
*    Annual Survey of Storage, Communication, Financing, Insurance and Business Services.
     These surveys are conducted annually by the department to collect up-to-date data for evaluating the contribution of the corresponding economic activities to Hong Kong's Gross Domestic Product and for ascertaining their cost structure, operating characteristics and output levels. The survey results are useful to both the government and the private sector in formulating policies and making decisions.

     Questionnaires were mailed earlier this year to about 12 000 selected establishments. These establishments are required by law to return the completed questionnaires to the department on or before July 31 this year.

     The Commissioner for Census and Statistics, Mr HW Fung, appealed to the management of all selected establishments to fulfill their legal and civic responsibilities by returning promptly the completed questionnaires and co-operating with officers of the department in the course of the surveys. Any respondent who is unable to return the completed questionnaire within the time specified is required to declare with reason his inability in doing so. Those who contravene these commit an offence.

     Each questionnaire of these annual economic surveys has been so designed that respondents can complete it themselves by following the relevant explanatory notes. If necessary, officers of the department will visit individual establishments and assist them in completing the questionnaires. These officers will each carry a Government Identity Card and a certificate for conducting the surveys, which are available for inspection.

     According to Mr Fung, audited accounts are not essential for the supply of income and expenditure data required in the surveys. The department accepts figures based on preliminary accounts or estimates which are correct to the best of the respondents' knowledge at the time of submitting the questionnaire.

     Mr Fung also stressed that information relating to individual establishments would be kept in strict confidence in accordance with the Census and Statistics Ordinance. Only aggregate information that does not reveal details of individual establishments will be released.

Ends/Friday, June 23, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:54