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Special Stamp Issue - 'Special Attractions of the 18 Districts in Hong Kong' (with photos)

    The Acting Postmaster General, Mrs Joanna Choi, today (June 19) announced that a special stamp issue with the theme of "Special Attractions of the 18 Districts in Hong Kong" would be released on July 18, 2006. Hong Kong is small, but despite its size, the territory exudes charm in each of its districts, offering a kaleidoscope of attractions - trendy hot spots, state-of-the-art skyscrapers, historic architecture, venerable customs and bewitching landscapes.
     Each of the stamps portrays three different elements of its own particular district. Some incorporate a cultural aspect as well as a famous landmark or a particularly popular shopping mall, others have a religious connection or a museum represented, and all are in one denomination of HK$1.40.
     The set of special stamps is designed by Ms Shirman Lai and printed in photogravure by Joh Enschede B.V, the Netherlands.
     Commenting on this special stamp issue, Mrs Choi said she believed this stamp issue was representative of the many attractions and places of interest to be found in the different districts and is also a tribute to the District Councils which so ably promoted public and community activities in their districts.  

     The 18 districts were originally identified via the District Administration Scheme which began in 1982 in Hong Kong with the establishment of a district board (renamed as district council). This served to achieve a more effective co-ordination of government efforts in the provision of services and facilities at the district level and to promote public participation in district affairs.  
     A Stamp Sheet containing 10 identical stamps of one particular district will be available at a cost of $14. Hongkong Post has presented the stamps in this unusual format so that customers living in a particular district can choose to send their correspondence with their own personal districts represented if they desire. The Souvenir Sheet with a full set of 18 stamps will be on sale for $25.20.
     Both the Serviced First Day Cover affixed with one set of 18 stamps and a Serviced First Day Cover affixed with a souvenir sheet datestamped with the special postmark will be available for $29.70 each. A Presentation Pack with a full set of 18 stamps costs $33.00

     The set of special stamps will be displayed at the General Post Office and Tsim Sha Tsui, Tsuen Wan and Shatin Central post offices from 27 June 2006. The Official First Day Covers will be put on sale at $2.00 each in all post offices on the same day. Advance orders for servicing self-provided souvenir covers specified loose stamps or special position stamps will be accepted at 39 philatelic offices from June 27 to July 3.
     A hand-back datestamping service bearing the first day of issue indication and a local address will be provided at all post offices on July 18 for official and privately-made covers.
     The "GPO-1" postmark, the "Philatelic Bureau" pictorial postmark and the philatelic office pictorial postmarks will also be available for hand-back datestamping service at all philatelic offices on that day.  
     Also on July 18, the public hall of the Hongkong Post Philatelic Bureau will open from 9am to 5pm for datestamping covers with the "Philatelic Bureau" pictorial postmark, the "GPO-1" postmark and the special postmark.  
     Further information about this issue and the sale of associated philatelic products can be obtained from Hongkong Post's website at, at any post office, or by calling the Hongkong Post Philatelic Bureau hotline 2785 5711.

Ends/Monday, June 19, 2006
Issued at HKT 10:01


Photo Photo