Quality Building Management Workshop Series 2006

    To promote quality building management, the Home Affairs Department's Building Management Resource Centre (New Territories East) is organising a series of nine workshops between June and November.  

     The series will be kicked off by a workshop on the operation of owners' corporations on June 29, with a speaker from the Law Society of Hong Kong. Enrolments are now open.

     Members of the public who successfully register for the workshop and attend it will be issued with a certificate. Those from owners' corporations and mutual aid committees of private buildings will have priority in enrolling.

     The workshop will be held from 7.30pm to 9pm at the Resource Centre, Room 510, 5/F, Sha Tin Government Offices, 1 Sheung Wo Che Road, Sha Tin. Applicants may either enrol at the centre or call 2158 5433 for registration forms.

     A quiz will be held between July 2 and 22 on the topic to enhance public awareness. A limited number of souvenir gifts will be awarded to those who have answered the questions correctly.

     Below is information about other workshops in the series which includes experience-sharing sessions by winners in "Quality Building Management Competitions":

          Topic                  Speakers
          -----                  -------
July      Financial Management   Hong Kong Institute
          of Owners'             of Certified Public
          Corporation            Accountants

August    To Know More About     The Law Society of
          Deed Of Mutual         Hong Kong

September Sharing of Best        Winners in "Quality  
          Practices On Building  Building Management
          Management I           Competition"

October   Sharing of Best        Winners in "Quality  
          Practices On Building  Building Management
          Management II          Competition"

          Relationship between   The Hong Kong
          Owners' Corporation    Association of
          and Management         Property Management    
          Company                Companies

          Building Maintenance   The Hong Kong
          and Repairs I          Institute of

November  Building Maintenance   The Hong Kong
          And Repairs II         Institute of

          Professional           Hong Kong Mediation
          Mediation Service      Centre

     Members of the public are also welcome to click into the homepage: www.buildingmgt.gov.hk for information about building management.

Ends/Friday, June 2, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:17