Press Release
Government Homepage


* HAD Emergency Co-ordination Centre stands down
* CE arrives at Nanning to start Guangxi visit (with photos)
* Seizure of illicit pork at meat stall
* Stay on guard against Japanese encephalitis
* Hong Kong resident jailed for conspiracy to defraud
* SCIT welcomes APEC Ministers' statement on Doha Development Agenda
* Three employers ordered to pay MPF
* Employer fined $40,000 for wage offence
* Chanchu kicked off typhoon season
* HKMC Annual Report 2005
* World Blood Donor Day - Let's pay tribute to blood donors (with photo)
* Quality Building Management Workshop Series 2006
* Land Registry statistics for May 2006 released
* Effective Exchange Rate Index
* SJ to visit London
* Partial opening of new Causeway Bay flyover (with map)
* HAD's Emergency Co-ordination Centre continues in operation
* IVE and VTC's institutes and centres open this evening
* HK, Mainland China and Macao sign arrangement on aircraft maintenance organisations
* Grading of beach water quality released
* Red flags hoisted
* Tripartite team to attend International Labour Conference
* QEF announces results and new mode of application
* Road works for drainage improvement in northern NT gazetted
* VTC Skills Centres classes suspended all day
* All care centres remain open
* IVE and VTC's institutes and centres closed this afternoon
* HAD's Emergency Co-ordination Centre in operation
* Classes of PM schools suspended
* Highways Department 20th Anniversary Roving Exhibition (with photos)
* Special traffic arrangements for public meeting on June 4
* Traffic arrangements for religious event in Happy Valley
* Flag raising ceremony cancelled
* Motorists urged to drive with care on rainy days

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