Emirates Shipping Line opens in Hong Kong (with photo)

    Emirates Shipping Line FZE is celebrating the official opening of its new Hong Kong operations as part of its global business strategy. The company is now commercially headquartered in the key global shipping hubs and two of the busiest container ports in the world - Dubai and Hong Kong.

     The Chairman & CEO of Emirates Shipping Line, Mr Vikas M Khan, said, "We are very pleased to be up and running and providing Emirates Shipping Line with strategically located offices in the fastest growing regions of the world."

     "Hong Kong is a major global hub for business and finance and is one of the world's most dynamic and cosmopolitan cities. The SAR has an international business perspective, sound infrastructure and focus on entrepreneurship. Hong Kong has built its distinctive role through sound business ethics, financial expertise, seamless administration and above all a highly committed workforce," said Mr Khan.

     "Our strategy takes a long-term view in a patently cyclical business, by making a clear and powerful commitment to the growth of transportation business into and out of the Middle East, Indian subcontinent and China, linking it to the rest of the world. With our network, understanding of these key trading and commercial centres, and most importantly, our presence in the most strategic locations including Hong Kong, we can provide world class services to our customers."

     According to Mr Khan, Emirates Shipping Line is commencing its operations in mid-2006 with several ships with the capacity of about 3,000 TEU. Emirates Shipping Line FZE has established its joint global commercial headquarters in Hong Kong, with the Dubai office sharing the role.
     "We are ready for business with an extensive team of multinational and experienced shipping professionals in place, who are committed to individual customer solutions and ensuring quality in our services to clients," he said.

     The Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion at Invest Hong Kong, Mr Simon Galpin, said, "We are delighted to hear that Hong Kong has been chosen by a new and dynamic shipping company for its commercial headquarters. The addition of Emirates Shipping Line will further strengthen our existing services and solutions offered to companies involved in the trade with China and other key markets. This once again demonstrates foreign companies' recognition of Hong Kong's unique positioning as the leading shipping hub, trading centre and the preferred location for regional headquarters in Asia.

     "We look forward to celebrating the company's future successful expansion regionally and globally from its Hong Kong base."

     For more information about Emirates Shipping Line, visit the website, www.emiratesline.com. Invest Hong Kong is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government department charged with encouraging and facilitating investment into the city by providing the support needed to establish a business presence here. For more information, visit the website, www.investhk.gov.hk.

Ends/Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:37