Leisure projects specialist moves into Asia from Hong Kong

    Hypsos Leisure Asia, is a creative company specialising in the design and production of high-profile leisure projects. It has established its new office in Hong Kong, the city the company has identified as its ideal springboard to the Asia region.

     The General Manager of Hypsos Leisure Asia (HLA), Mr Rowan Tiesma, pointed to Hong Kong's sophisticated economic infrastructure and business networks as key attractions for the company in deciding to set up here.

     "The opening of the new Hong Kong office is an important step forward," he said. "We aim to consolidate our strong creative platform with a locally based production facility, and this will enable HLA to better serve the Chinese and wider Asian leisure markets."

     Mr Tiesma explained that the company's business will focus on museums, exhibitions, science centres, visitor attractions, expo pavilions and brand centres, through an integrated approach to design and build.

     "With our direct presence in this strategic location, we will be able to take advantage of the many opportunities that exist throughout the region," HLA has recently completed the EMSD visitor Experience in Hong Kong and is currently working on the permanent exhibition in the Heritage Discovery Centre in Kowloon Park.

     The Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion at Invest Hong Kong, Mr Simon Galpin, welcomed Hypsos Leisure's decision to put a foothold in Hong Kong.

     "Hong Kong has its own unique cluster of professional companies serving different sectors," Mr Galpin said. "It is important that our city continues to attract and retain companies from all around the world, like HLA, with special knowledge and skills. This enables us to tap their expertise and experience to enhance our existing offerings and to stay abreast of the latest market trends, particularly in projects involving new and innovative concepts. Our local talent will also be inspired by the interaction and exchange with their counterparts from overseas.

     "We look forward to the success of HLA locally and regionally," he said.

     Hypsos Leisure Asia is part of the HYPSOS Group, a Dutch company with over 160 employees in its European offices. The company is active in the retail, event and leisure markets. For more information, please visit the website at www.hypsosleisureasia.com.

     Invest Hong Kong is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government department charged with encouraging and facilitating investment into the city by providing the support needed to establish a business presence here. For more information, please visit the website at www.investhk.gov.hk.

Ends/Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:05