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FS arrives in New Zealand at start of Australasian visit (with photos)

    The Financial Secretary, Mr Henry Tang, touched down in Auckland today (May 22, New Zealand time), starting his first official visit to New Zealand as Financial Secretary.  

     Auckland is the first stop of Mr Tang's 10-day visit to Australasia. He will also visit Wellington, Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney during this visit.

     "Hong Kong has a history of excellent relations with New Zealand and Australia.  We have many things in common, as well," Mr Tang said.

     "We are open to the world and embrace free trade in the face of the challenges and opportunities brought about by globalisation.

     "We cherish our economic and social links with Australasia and I hope that my visit to New Zealand and Australia can reinforce and strengthen our ties."

     During his packed visit, the Financial Secretary will update government leaders, business communities, think-tanks and the local media on Hong Kong's latest economic developments.

     He will stress Hong Kong's unique advantages as the best two-way platform for doing business with enterprises in Mainland China.

     He will encourage more New Zealand and Australian companies to make use of Hong Kong's strengths as Asia's business and financial services hub.

     He will also outline the numerous business opportunities in the quickly developing Pan-Pearl River Delta region, a massive potential market and huge production base with 460 million people.

     This afternoon, Mr Tang talked about Hong Kong's latest economic developments and business opportunities in an interview with Television New Zealand, the country's public service broadcaster.

     This evening, he gave the key-note speech at a gala dinner organised by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Sydney) to update guests on Hong Kong's latest economic developments, highlight Hong Kong's competitive advantages and encourage corporate leaders in New Zealand to build on the strong ties with Hong Kong and explore the vast business opportunities in the Pan-Pearl River Delta through partnering with Hong Kong companies.

     More than 200 top officials, political and business leaders and members of think-tanks attended the dinner. The Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand, the Hon Dr Michael Cullen, also spoke at the dinner.

     The guests also had the opportunity to enjoy the performance of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, whose members are travelling with the Financial Secretary to perform in Auckland, Melbourne and Sydney.

     Mr Tang will fly to Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, tomorrow (May 23) for meetings with the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Helen Clark, and other ministers responsible for trade, economic development and finance.

Ends/Monday, May 22, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:44


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