SHWF visits Southern District (with photos)

    The Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, visited the Southern District this (May 19) afternoon to see for himself the latest community development there.

     Accompanied by Legislator Mr Wong Yung-kan and District Officer (Southern) Ms Eva Yam, Dr Chow took a ride on a sampan at the Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter when he was briefed on the activities in the Shelter which had all along been a refuge for the local fishing vessels.

     A trip on a vessel took Dr Chow to a visit to a fisherman's family.  A free exchange of conversation gained Dr Chow better knowledge of the fishing community, its lifestyle, the operation of the various related trades and the problems faced.

     Dr Chow took the opportunity to inform the fisherman that the Government would beef up the loan funds for fishermen and fish farmers totalling $250 million in addition to existing loans to help them tide over the annual fishing moratorium in June and July and assist them to pursue alternative modes of operation.

     He was very concerned about the difficulties faced by the fishermen, adding that the loan schemes were measures to help the sector in the short run.  He appreciated that short-term measures could not help resolve a problem that was fundamental in nature.   Dr Chow invited the trade to give views on the development of the fisheries industry.  He noted that the Government would set up a committee to explore the sustainable development of the fisheries industry, with members coming from different sectors, including the agriculture and fisheries sector.  

     At the Aberdeen Wholesale Fish Market, Dr Chow received a briefing on the operation of the Fish Marketing Organisation (FMO) and the Fish Wholesale Market.  This was followed by a tour of a fish processing centre set up by the FMO to develop quality fisheries products to better promoting local fisheries products.

     Dr Chow also called at the Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre where he was given an account of how the association as a local organisation could contribute to welfare services to the local community.  Dr Chow took the opportunities to talk to service users taking part in elderly handicraft class there.

     Before concluding his district visit, Dr Chow joined Southern District councillors to exchange views on issues relating to health, welfare, food and environmental hygiene.

Ends/Friday, May 19, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:31