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Reminder to liquor licensees on soccer bookmaking activities

          Police today (May 13) reminded liquor licensees and persons-in-charge of liquor licensed premises or places of entertainment of their liability under relevant provisions of the Gambling Ordinance and the need to report to Police any illegal gambling activities on their premises.

䩕In the run-up to major European soccer tournaments and World Cup 2006, Police Notices are being served by officers from various districts and regions to remind licensees and operators to watch out for any soccer bookmaking activities on their premises,蒅 a Police spokesman said.

The spokesman said two more items concerning the liability of these persons were added in the Notice served to them. They are namly:

(i) The liability of the liquor licensees and persons-in-charge by permitting any persons or knowingly permit and suffer the premises to be opened, kept or used for promoting or facilitating bookmaking which is contravened to Section 16 A, B and D of the Gambling Ordinance enacted since May 2002. Upon conviction, the maximun penalty will be $5 million fine and seven years﷿ imprisonment.

(ii) The liability of the liquor licensees and persons-in-charge by allowing games of chance to be played on the premises which is forbidden under one of the liquor licensing conditions.

In the event that the operators or their staff encounter any illegal gambling activity on their premises, they should report to the Police by calling the Police Hotline 2860 8366 or 999 in more urgent situations, the spokesman added.

Police Report No. 5

Ends/Saturday, May 13, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:03