Public views invited in HA Drug Formulary Review (with photos)

    The Hospital Authority (HA) started the phased implementation of HA Drug Formulary in July, 2005 with a view to standardising drug policy and utilisation in public hospitals and clinics. To further improve the mechanism to meet patient needs, a review of the progress and policy of the Drug Formulary in the following three major areas has commenced:

(1) Mode of Supply of Self-Financed Drug Items
(2) Mechanism of the Safety Net
(3) Mechanism of introducing New Drug Items

     Dr Cheung Wai-lun, HA Director (Professional Services and Operations), said the Formulary was fully implemented in all public hospitals at the end of October 2005 to standardise the drug policy of public hospitals and clinics, to ensure equity and fairness in patients' access to cost-effective drugs of proven efficacy and safety.

     The HA will take an open-minded approach in the review exercise and take into consideration the suggestions put forward by patient groups, professional bodies and community organisations. Results of the review will be collated in June this year," said Dr Cheung.

     Members of the public are welcome to submit written suggestions about the HA Drug Formulary mechanism via email:, or fax: 2881 5848.

Ends/Friday, May 12, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:19