CE to visit Guangxi and attend Pan-PRD Forum in Yunnan

    The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, will lead a delegation of government officials and local business leaders on a two-day study tour to Guangxi on June 2 to promote economic and trade co-operation between Hong Kong and the Pan-Pearl River Delta (Pan-PRD) region. In the coming few months, the Chief Executive will continue to lead a number of business delegations to Pan-PRD provinces/region, including Hunan, Guizhou and Jiangxi.

     During the visit to Guangxi, the delegation will attend the 䩕Guangxi/Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation Symposium蒅 and visit local enterprises and infrastructural facilities.
     Mr Tsang will leave for Kunming, Yunnan, on June 4 to attend the 䩕Third Pan-PRD Regional Cooperation and Development Forum蒅beginning on June 5.

     The Guangxi delegation is being organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. Government officials accompanying Mr Tsang on the visit include the Permanent Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology (Commerce and Industry), Miss Yvonne Choi; the Director of Information Services, Mr Edward Yau; and the Information Co-ordinator, Mr Andy Ho.

     During Mr Tsang's absence, the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Rafael Hui, will be the Acting Chief Executive.

Ends/Monday, May 8, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:31