Government receives KCRC investigation report and appoints review panel

    The Environment, Transport and Works Bureau today (May 3) received the investigation report from the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation ("KCRC") on the root causes of the East Rail underframe equipment mounting problem.

     A bureau spokesman said the KCRC had put in tremendous efforts exploring possible causes of the incident during the investigation and had diligently examined the problem from various directions.

     He pointed out that as the report involved a lot of complicated and technical points, it would take the Administration some time to examine the root causes identified.

     䩕The Government attaches great importance to railway safety and reliability," the spokesman said. "The Government﷿s expert team comprising the Hong Kong Railway Inspectorate, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and Highways Department, in conjunction with our overseas railway consultant, will carefully examine KCRC﷿s report, including the examination of the identified root causes and the proposed rectification measures.

     䩕We hope that KCRC can not only implement the rectification measures, but also prevent recurrence of similar incidents in the future,蒅 he said.

     The spokesman said the KCRC was able to continue the provision of safe and reliable railway service. After the East Rail underframe equipment mounting incident, the corporation had immediately implemented a series of interim rectification measures and stepped up train inspections. Trains were inspected and certified safe before they were put into passenger service every day.

     The Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao, also today appointed  a Review Panel on the Reporting of East Rail Incidents.  It is tasked to :

(i) examine KCRC's procedures and processes leading to the reporting of the fleet-wide underframe equipment mounting problem of East Rail to the Government on January 10, 2006, including the adequacy of its internal communication and its interface with the Hong Kong Railway Inspectorate;

(ii) identify deficiencies, if any, of such procedures and processes, and to establish their causes and where the responsibility for each of them lies;

(iii) advise on relevant improvement measures having regard to the findings in (ii); and

(iv) submit a report with conclusions and recommendations to the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works in around one month's time.

  The Review Panel is headed by Mr Herbert Hui Ho-ming, a senior corporate executive with extensive experience in public service.  Other members are Mr Stanley Hui Hon-chung, a senior executive with wide experience in management; Mr Vincent Lo Wing-sang, a solicitor and KCRC Board Member; and Mr Otto Poon Lok-to, an engineer and managing director.

  䩕Both the reports of the Review Panel and the Government﷿s expert team will be submitted to the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works in around one month's time.  The reports will be made public afterwards,蒅 the spokesman said.

Ends/Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:27