Excellent Class Indoor Air Quality Certificates awarded (with photo)

    The Environmental Protection Department today (May 2) presented 14 Excellent Class Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Certificates to premises owners and property management companies in recognition of their continuous efforts to achieve good IAQ.

     Officiating at the IAQ Certificate Award Ceremony and Technical Seminar today, the Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Environment), Mr Keith Kwok Ka-keung, said that good ambient and indoor air quality would help improve public health, enhance Hong Kong's competitiveness as well as ensure sustainable development in the long term.

     To promote good IAQ, the Government had been implementing the Indoor Air Quality Management Programme since 2000, Mr Kwok said.  

     In general, good IAQ could be achieved by adopting a no-smoking policy, providing good and sufficient ventilation, maintaining good operation of air-conditioning systems and using furnishing materials with low emission of pollutants, he added.  

     Since the launch of the voluntary IAQ Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places in September 2003, EPD has presented 114 certificates to premises meeting the IAQ objectives of the scheme. Among them, 14 have been awarded "Excellent Class" certificates with the remaining meeting the criteria for "Good Class".

     The certification scheme is a core element of the IAQ Management Programme that aims to improve IAQ in office buildings and public places, enhance public awareness of the importance of IAQ as well as encourage good property management practice to achieve the excellent class.

     To enhance the status of the IAQ Certification Scheme, EPD is now joining with the Hong Kong Accreditation Service to develop a quality assurance programme for competent examiners and other practitioners. It will help more qualified professionals become competent examiners and attract more building owners to join the Scheme.
     To further enhance public awareness of the importance of IAQ, EPD will continue to organise educational and publicity activities and issue promotional materials, pamphlets and booklets.
     In January, 2001, EPD set up an IAQ Information Centre where members of the public can obtain updated information and materials on achieving and maintaining good IAQ.

     Latest technologies on IAQ and products that can help improve the situation are also displayed at the Centre which is located on the first floor of the Hong Kong Productivity Council Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kwoloon Tong.

     People are also welcome to visit a dedicated website specially set up for the information centre ( www.iaq.gov.hk).

Ends/Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:52