CS speaks on West Kowloon Cultural District

Following is the transcript (English portion) of a media session by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Rafael Hui, at the Central Government Offices after the first meeting of the Consultative Committee on the Core Arts and Cultural Facilities of the West Kowloon Cultural District this (April 21) morning:

Reporter: Can you tell us how was the meeting?

Chief Secretary: The meeting went very well. Some members were actually on overseas trips, but they made it a point to fly back specifically for this meeting and I understand one or two of them will have to fly away immediately after this meeting.

We spent a lot of time, not on discussing the core parts and cultural facilities as hardware. It's not just that. What is most gratifying and rewarding for me is that a lot of valuable views have been expressed on the concepts, on the principles, and on all the other complementary issues that we need to address. So it was not just the hardware. We spent more time on software, on policy, on values, and on participation by the community, and that to me is the most valuable part of the meeting. We also decided on the general work plan for this committee in the next six months. In fact two specialist groups, one on performance facilities and tourism, the other on museums, will start their first meetings next week. These two advisory groups will hold public forums, probably in May - a number of public forums - so that there will be further opportunity for members of the public and for those who are practitioners in performing arts and exhibitions and in culture to put forward their views. So it has been a very rewarding meeting.

Reporter: Are you concerned about the financing of the project and...?

Chief Secretary: Well, it is my own hope that we put some proposals before the Legislative Council for discussion by the end of this year or early next year, if possible. These proposals will include the timing for the establishment of the authority, its powers and functions and responsibilities and its composition. And, I think including also a number of options regarding long-term sustainable finance of these facilities, not just the hardware, but more importantly, the content. And how do you put them on a sound financial footing, which is sustainable? So the end of this year, early next year, to LegCo.

Reporter: Would the discussion be confined to proposals that have been tabled by the consortia?

Chief Secretary: Not necessarily, because if you recall the last time the Government contingent went to LegCo to attend the subcommittee, I think both Mr Patrick Ho and Mr Michael Suen made this very clear, that we do have an open mind on this. And when we go to LegCo again, towards the end of this year, there will be different options open for discussion and consultation with LegCo and members of the community.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Friday, April 21, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:14