Framework Agreement on Exchanges and Co-operation in Food Safety signed

   The First Working Meeting on Exchanges and Co-operation in Food Safety for Hong Kong/Guangdong held in Guangzhou today (April 11) yielded positive results, bringing timely information and greater supervision on food safety to people in the two places.

    The Eighth Plenary of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference held by the Chief Executive and the Governor of Guangdong Province on September 28, 2005, included the strengthening of exchanges and co-operation in food safety between Guangdong and Hong Kong as a focal area of co-operation.  The Chief Executive in his Policy Address last year also accorded high priority to food safety and said it was the Government's responsibility to do the monitoring work well.

    During today's meeting, the Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Mrs Carrie Yau, and the Director-General of Guangdong Food and Drug Administration, Mr Chen Yuansheng, signed a Framework Agreement on Exchanges and Co-operation in Food Safety for Hong Kong/Guangdong to facilitate a more effective and comprehensive co-operation between the two sides.

    Speaking after the meeting, Mrs Yau said the objective of signing the Framework Agreement was to enhance the ties and communication channels as well as establish a notification mechanism with the Guangdong Provincial Government. This would help foster mutual exchange of food safety information following the setting up of the Centre for Food Safety in the middle of this year.

    "A series of food incidents in 2005, including the malachite green and Streptococcus suis incidents, aroused widespread concern over food safety in the community. Since then, the Government has been actively working on strengthening the links with the Guangdong Province and neighbouring cities in a bid to respond to public demand in this aspect.  The agreement can be regarded as an important milestone in enhancing the food safety mechanism," she said.

    The key points of the Framework Agreement are as follows:

*Enhance information exchange: including significant food safety policies, regulations, standard introduction, revision or updating, as well as information and investigation findings on significant food safety incidents involving both sides;

*Designate point of liaison: the Guangdong Food and Drug Administration and the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau would be the respective liaison unit of their government in respect of exchanges and co-operation in food safety.  Both sides would designate liaison officers responsible for handling the liaison work for day-to-day operation and specific issues;

*Regular meeting: both sides agreed to convene working meetings at least once a year to review mutual co-operation and study the work arrangements at next stage or major incidents;

*Urgent meeting: both sides could convene urgent high-level meeting in the event of significant food safety incidents or major incidents that warrant holding meetings; and

*Experts' communication: experts of the two sides would study the speciality and technicality issues relating to food safety to provide views for the Governments' reference in policy making.

    Mrs Yau pointed out that with the signing of the agreement and the enhanced co-operation in future, the setting up of the Centre for Food Safety would make the work concerning the information, surveillance, investigation, publicity, education and research on food safety more systematic.  Public awareness of and confidence in food safety would also be raised.

    During the meeting, the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau gave a briefing on Hong Kong's food safety regulatory regime and the progress of the establishment of the Centre for Food Safety, while the Guangdong side gave an account of their food safety monitoring system and the relevant work.

    Officials of the two sides also exchanged views on food safety hot topics which were of mutual concern, including promotion of quality fish farming programme, excessive use of food additives in the course of food processing, existence of chemical residues in agricultural products and problems easily leading to food-borne diseases.

    Other representatives from Hong Kong included the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, Mr Gregory Leung and the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation.  Apart from the Guangdong Food and Drug Administration, the Guangdong side was also represented by the Agriculture Department of Guangdong Province, Health Department of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce, Guangdong Provincial Oceanic and Fishery Administration as well as the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of Guangdong, Shenzhen and Zhuhai.

Ends/Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:32